october 17 19:30 Moscow time • 1200₽ • webinar
Psychology of planet

Listen to stars ... and understand what people say!

Have you ever thought that some people around you just can't understand what you are trying to explain? It's because different signs of Zodiac use different languages to express their feelings. Language of words, language of deeds, language of money - every sign is unique.

Yael Yardeny knows how to find harmony between signs.
Two-hour web workshop of one of the most respected experts in the field of Kabbalistic Astrology in the worldis hear.

Understand yourself and other using the knowledge of planets and stars. Fulfil your relations with purpose.
You need to visit our webinar if you want to
Find a connection with relatives and partners
Find new friends
Create a connection with co-workers
No more "suddenly" and "fate-deals"
Kabbalistic astrology is a way to change future, not just predict. Nothing is destined - you can always prepare for the future.
Yael will explain how to
Understand people and be understanded by people
Find your love
Achieve harmony
Unleash your social potential
Yael Yardeni
Senior Astrologer, Certified Hypnotherapist
Founder of theAcademy of Kabbalistic Astrology
Author of "Kabbalistic Secrets of The Zodiac"

Yael Yardeni — was born and raised in France, where she studied Physics and Mathematics. In 1987, she moved to the United States and concentrated on studying Kabbalistic Astrology.

Yael has become a Kabbalistic astrologer and astrology teacher with an international reputation. Culling insight from her degrees in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regressions, her astrological chart readings are in no way conventional. Through them, Yael has helped many people around the world change their lives, improve their relationships, and connect to their life purpose. Yael has made more than 10,000 natal charts! In the last 15 years, Yael has become the personal astrologer for many celebrities.

Yael Yardeni has gained worldwide recognition through working with clients around the world, she has done world tours teaching Kabbalistic Astrology in countries such as, Russia, USA, Israel, Brazil, The Philippines, Hong Kong, South Africa, Paraguay, England and more!
«If we have difficulties on the physical level, it is because our consciousness still permits the physical world to dominate us».».
– Rav Berg
17 october • 19:30 moscow time • 1200₽

Psychology of planet