Stéphanie Nizard grew up between the South of France, Andalusia, and Morocco, seeing travel as a path to self-discovery. Her love for literature led her to explore art, history, and spirituality worldwide.
After earning a photography degree from the Gobelin School in Paris in 2004, she specialized in humanist documentary photography, focusing on Eastern Europe and the Gypsy community. Her humanitarian work introduced her to art therapy and psychology, particularly Jung’s teachings, sparking her interest in healing and resilience.
During her first Saturn return, a friend guided her through transformative encounters that reshaped her life. She discovered astrology through a birth chart reading and Kabbalah during a trip to Ukraine, shortly after beginning to scan the Zohar and recite the Ana B'choah. Inspired, she and her husband pursued Kabbalah studies, starting with Kabbalah 1 at the Kabbalah Center in Paris.
Under the guidance of Eliahou Bouhanna, she embraced kabbalistic astrology, finding in it the humility, joy, and courage she sought. She now deepens her studies at the Academy of Kabbalistic Astrology and the Kabbalah Center, where she values the kindness and respect of the community.
Stéphanie specializes in uncovering the hidden potential within each birth chart, seeing challenges as treasures. Living in Paris with her husband, son, and three cats, she continues her artistic journey through writing, aiming for authentic and luminous expression in all she does.