Go to
astro.com, click tab Free Horoscopes and look for Astroclick Travel or search for Astroclick Travel on site. You may need to make an account and enter your birth details.
There are few things to look at. When you look at the chart of the world, it will show you different places where different lines of planets are passing through. First of all you can click on the town and on the right side it will show you what lines are passing there. It will also show you if there are one or two planets influencing that place. And another thing to bear in mind is to look at your natal chart and see what planets there are strong, have good aspects and you can activate them by living or traveling to a certain place in the world.
Once you know you are going somewhere, see what planet lines are passing through that location. Then make a transit chart for that location (applying it to your natal/birth chart). and you can see what energies are present for you there. You are looking at how the planet will interact with planets in the transit chart.
Usually, planet lines also cross the MC, IC, ASC or DSC.