Academy of Kabbalistic Astrology
with Yael Yardeni

Level 1. Basic
10 weeks + eBook "Kabbalistic Secrets of The Zodiac"
Fee: 550 USD/37 500 rub

The Beginners Course will teach students the History of Astrology, with resources from the Sefer Yetsira, a general understanding of the Solar system, an insight into the different factors involved in a person's destiny, a better understanding of the Zodiac Signs and their missions on Earth, as well as a general overview of the Planets.

In the end of this Course the students will be tested.

Class 1 — Introduction, our mission. Why Astrology today? The big Names in Kabbalistic Astrology — excerpts from Zohar — Ibn Ezra, Avraham Avinu.
Class 2 —Astrology and Destiny.
Class 3 — Planets and Archetypes.
Class 4 — Zodiac cycles and Holidays, Hebrew Calendar — Molad.
Class 5 — Zodiac signs – Part 1. Tikun, Motivation, Foundations, Ruling planets.
Class 6 — Signs in Depth. Earth (Tikun, Motivation, etc.)
Class 7 — Zodiac signs. Air (Tikun, Motivation, Foundations, Ruling planets.)
Class 8 — Zodiac signs. Water (Tikun, Motivation, Foundations, Ruling planets.)
Class 9 — Planets in depth. How do they affect us?
Class 10 — Class Test. Q&A.

"Kabbalistic Secrets of The Zodiac"
Author: Yael Yardeni

One of the first books, that contains unique knowledge that will help you to know yourself and your loved ones better, as well as see your purpose in this world.

You will receive electronic version of the book as a gift after registering for the course of the Academy of Kabbalistic Astrology.
Level 2. Medium
10 weeks
Fee: 550 USD/37 500 rub

The Medium level will provide a much deeper insight into the planets and their interactions in a chart, the Astrological houses in depth, the different systems of houses, as well as the Astrological planetary aspects.

There will be a test at the end of the course.

Class 1 — The outer planets. Planetary transits.
Class 2 — Planets and Houses. Part 1.
Class 3 — Angular Houses I, IV, VII, X.
Class 4 — Succedent or fixed houses II, V, VIII, XI.
Class 5 — Cadent or mutable houses III, VI, IX, XII.
Class 6 — Planets in signs & houses.
Class 7 — Planets in signs & houses.
Class 8 — Chart interpretation moon nodes.
Class 9 — Understanding moon nodes.
Class 10 — Class Test. Q&A.

Level 3. Advanced
8 weeks
Fee: 440 USD/30 000 rub

How to read an astrological chart, how to use intuition as well in the reading, with focus on the soul's correction in this life.

Class 1 — Planetary aspects. Basics.
Class 2 — Planetary aspects. Chart interpretation.
Class 3 — Astrogram – Planetary aspects.
Class 4 — Astrogram – Planetary aspects.
Class 5 — Class pop quiz — Planets in retrograde motion.
Class 6 — Black Moon – Intuition & logic.
Class 7 — Chiron in Houses: Chart ethics.
Class 8 — Questions and answers.

Note: On completion of the 3 above levels, students will receive a diploma.

Level 4. The Astrology of The Moon Nodes
6 weeks
Fee: 330 USD/22 500 rub

This course will teach us how to interpret lunar nodes at a deeper level and other important features to map a person's previous lifetimes.

Class 1 – Ethics. MC and IC as parental axis.
Class 2 — Nodes as time travel.
Class 3 — Pluto, our past life catalyst.
Class 4 — Spiritual correction.
Class 5 — Saturn and Karma: Curse or blessing?
Class 6 — Putting all pieces together – case study.

Level 5. Specific aspects in Astrology
8 weeks
Fee: 440 USD/30 000 rub

Class 1 — Medical Astrology. General principles.
Class 2 — Medical Astrology.
Class 3 — Medical Astrology – practice and introduction to Transits.
Class 4 — Transits as triggers.
Class 5 — The Astrology of predictions— Solar returns & Relocations.
Class 6 — The Astrology of predictions - Progressions & Moon.
Class 7 — Interpreting charts training.
Class 8 — Class Test. Q&A

Note: On completion of the 5 first levels, students will receive a diploma.

We Accept International Payments.
Contact us:

phone: +44 (0)20 7499 4974
The Kabbalah Centre
12 Stratford Place, London, W1C 1BB