Fixed stars are not always active and influence us, they are moving very slow compare to other planets in our solar system.
1 degree every 72 years.
When looking at the chart we would consider only conjunction aspects with them and a very small orb of 2/3 degree.
The tropical Zodiac which we use in astrology is connected to seasons.
So, when the Sun goes into Aries, we have an equinox and start of a new season.
When you look how the natural world shifts according to season, when the days are getting longer or shorter, based on equinox and solstices', which happens around 20th or 21st of the month rather than the 1st of the month.
When the Sun goes to 0 degree of Aries we have an equinox - we either have a summer or a winter.
When the Sun goes to 0 degree of Cancer we have a solstice – we either have a summer or a winter.
Spring and Autumn are equinox reasons.
And Summer and Winter – which are extremes and relate to extremes of the Sun – shorter days longer nights or longer days and shorter nights – its solstice.
The royal stars mark 4 corners of the heaven, these were Persian stars, watchers of the Sky.
The first 3 are the brightest stars.
Aldebaran (alpha of the Taurus constellation, Persian name "Tascheter") – was the guardian of the eastern sky, as it predates the vernal equinox.
Regulus (alpha of the Leo constellation, Persian name "Venant") – was the guardian of the northern sky, as it pre-announces the summer solstice.
Antares (alpha of the Scorpio constellation, Persian name "Satevis") – was the guardian of the western sky, as it predates the autumn equinox.
Fomalhaut (alpha of the constellation Pisces Australis, Persian name "Haftorang / Hastorang") – was the guardian of the southern sky, as it pre-announces the winter solstice.
Aldebaran is now in Gemini – this is a star of fertility and a star of spring. It's about new beginnings.
When you get a planet like a Sun progressing over 10 degrees Gemini, or Asc. progression over 10 Gemini – you have an energy of new beginning.
Antares, that is in 10 Sag is connected to constellation of a Scorpio. Very dark, very Scorpio like energy and links to autumn, change, release, and transition, it's about endings of cycles.
Regulus that is now in Virgo, this is the one of the most powerful stars in the sky – it's a heart of a Lion. Power at its most essence. It's a start of summer. Very powerful, very wary of revenge.
Fomalhault – start of winter, star of leadership, spiritual leadership.
It's not less visible, kind of like hidden leader. The power behind the throne that is the spiritual guidance.
All those 4 royal stars are like triumph cards, that should be stuck up your sleeve.
From a point of a chart reading progressed Sun or progressed Moon will go over all of those stars.
The progressed moon going over those stars is a 4-week window.
But would be a 4-week window if we were considered for job or we might have the edge over someone else.
12 months that you can use this energy.
Other stars – Spica and Algol.
Spica is very protective, shows things that are being taken care of or you are being taken care of.
Nothing excessive.
Sense of protection.
So, if you progressed Sun or MC going over it – it will be a year where you will be taken care of.
Algol – considered to be fairly challenging or fairly difficult.
Year of challenges and difficulties that you are dealing with.
It's a star – you would read it quite differently from birth chart prospective.
It's about having anxiety or worry, gets you humbled.
In conclusion those stars give a tone of influence to our charts, use them when you do progressions and transits.
So we can give it a try and use them, but they won't influence us as much as personal and social planets.
With Love,
Nechama Sinwani