Astro Forecast 2019
LIVE STREAM available
Dec 5 | Wednesday
20.15 – 22.00
Moscow Kabbalah Centre
Stream start at 20:45
Would you like to know what will happen in 2019? What events will shake the world arena, and what stars will ascend in your personal sky? What time is suitable for making deals, special events and making important decisions? What global changes to expect in the economy, politics and society in the next year?
Astro Forecast 2019
Find out what to expect from relationships in business and personal life, what to be ready to get the most out of the new year!

Especially for those who want to live in harmony with the cosmos and make the right decisions at the right time, always clearly assess themselves and the situation, foresee success and avoid failures - Yael Yardeni, one of the most sought-after astrologers of the world, will make an astrological forecast for 2019 and give tips for each of the signs of the zodiac, what is their strength and weakness in the coming year.

LIVE STREAM available.
20.15 | Dec 5 | Moscow Kabbalah Centre
Astro Forecast 2019
The cost of tickets is from 30$.
You can watch event online, recieve link after purchase.

2018 Academy of Kabbalistic Astrology