Академия Каббалистической Астрологии
Message from the Dean
Dear Students,

Happy New Gregorian year to all of you! We will all be remembering this year as a milestone in the History of humankind . It's about time each and everyone should take responsibility and heighten his consciousness.

The Great conjunction ( Pluto, Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, moon node) as Astrologers call it, is our cosmic platform to download a brand new version.of ourselves in our daily life as well as for the whole world. At the beginning of the new month will appear a solar eclipse that will challenge government and old leadership.The good news is that it's also an eclipse of the Ego!!

We should be meditating that individualism and short sighted choices disappear in favor of the greater good for all.

I wish for all of us a very enlightened month of Tevet-Capricorn and a fantastic year! Chodesh Tov!

Yael Yardeni
Dean of the Academy of Kabbalistic Astrology
Letters of the Month
(Bet Ayn)

Karen Berg about the Month of Capricorn

Portion of Balak
"I behold it, but it is not near" (Bemidbar 24:17), because some of these matters came true at that time and some of them are for future times, in the period of King Messiah. We learned that the Holy One, blessed be He, will build Jerusalem and display a fixed star that sparkles with seventy moving PLANETS and with seventy winds that display light from it in the center of the firmament. Another seventy stars will be instructed and guided by it, and it will be glowing and blazing seventy days.

with our students in Moscow
We updated the office at the Kabbalah Center before the new year 2020.
In the last astro practice, there were 5 people and 3 online.
We updated the office at the Kabbalah Center before the new year 2020.
In the last astro practice, there were 5 people and 3 online.
The Kabbalah Centre
12 Stratford Place,
London, W1C 1BB

phone: +44 (0)20 7499 4974
Email: info@academyastro.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcademyAstro/

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